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Ways to Secure Your Students’ Attention

How do you keep your students’ attention in today’s digital age? It can be difficult, especially when so many distractions are available. In this blog post, we will discuss some ways to secure your students’ attention in the classroom.

Pump up the Volume and Visual

textingOne way to keep your students’ attention in the classroom is by pumping up the volume. This means you must ensure your voice is loud and clear. You also want to ensure you are speaking at a pace that is easy for them to follow. They will likely tune you out if you are mumbling or speaking too quickly. Another way to keep your students’ attention is by using visual aids. This can be anything from PowerPoint presentations to video clips. Adding visuals to your lesson will help keep their attention focused on the task.

Use Clever Attention-Grabbers

The best way to get a student’s attention is often through an attention-grabber. This can be anything from a joke or pun to a more tough question or statement. The key is to ensure that whatever you use is relevant to the topic and will interest your students. They will be more likely to pay attention if engaged from the start. Aside from using an attention-grabber, you can also try the following tips to keep your students’ attention throughout your lesson.

Pose an Intriguing Question

One way to get your students’ attention is to pose an intriguing question at the beginning of class. This can be done as a “hook” to start the lesson. For example, you might ask your students what they think about a current event or something happening in the world. This will get them thinking and engaged in the lesson from the start. Another way to get your students’ attention is to use a “call and response” method. This means that you say something and then the students respond. For example, you might say, “Class, what is our goal for today?” And then, the students would respond with the goal. This is a great way to get everyone on the same page and focused on the lesson.

There are many other ways to secure your students’ attention, but these are two of the most effective. If you can start your lessons with a bang, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and engaging class. Try these tips the next time you teach and see how they work for you.…